PHP7 開發之道和學習筆記
第一章 環境設定
- MAC Installation
- Windows Installation
- 編輯器: phpStorm, eclipse, or Slim Text
第二章 PHP 語言特性 (Young)
- PHP 程式撰寫風格
- 命名空間 Namespaces
- PHP 必須要知道的小細節
- PHP Class 類別
- PHP 動態變數和動態涵式
- PHP Abstract 消除 ifs
- 利用 abstract 和 Factory 消除重複邏輯
- Dependency Injection相依性注入
- PHP Trait
- PHP Magic Methods - Part 1
Object oriented programming
- classes, abstract classes, interfaces, inheritance, constructors, cloning, exceptions
- Traits
Types, variables
Pre-defined constants, keyword, and methods
- magic constants
- class keywords: self, parent, and static.
- magic methods
Functional programming
- first-class
- recursive
- anonymous
- Closure
- Callback\/Callables
Meta programming
- magic methods
- Reflection
- Overloading
Standard PHP Library
Commnad Line
第三章 Dependency Management (James)
第四章 (Kim)
- Coding practices
- Dependency Injection
第五章 (Max)
- Databases
第六章 (勝達 Ada)
- Template
- Error handling
第七章 (Anna/貴仁)
- security
- Testing
第八章 (Bryan)
- Server and Deployment
- Virtualization (vagrant, docker)
第九章 (Jerry)
- Caching
- Documenting
- Performance Tuning
- PHP Frameworks
- PHP Best Practices